sábado, 17 de abril de 2010

Exercise 22, catalog request

Subject: New Catalog for (my company)

Dear Sirs.

As our company is in need of change our overhead projectors we ask if you, please, could send us an updated catalog of your products, with the new products, prices and offers.

Also we would like to know if, as regular costumers, we still have reduced prices as usual.

Yours faithfully.

lunes, 12 de abril de 2010

Exercise 17 - E-Mail writing

Subject: Meeting on two days time

Dear Mr. (--------)

A working meeting has been done with a company whom is interested in our computer system implantation and maintenance services. They signed a two years contract with us.

We want you to study the information of the dossier attached to this email about their actual systems and objectives for a meeting programmed on two days time at 9.00.

We require your presence on this meeting to discuss your department's disposition to attend this client in a short term.

Yours sincerely.