martes, 30 de marzo de 2010

Clasroom description

Our clasroom is located at the third block, ground floor of the campus. The laboratory has a considerable size (6,5 x 5,5 meters). The walls are covered by some kind of sound insulator; brown and black like cork.

The classroom has two groups of tables. Those tables are of the kind that can be arranged to form a hexagon, but they are arranged to form two long tables. Also there are a lot of chairs for the pupils and the teacher to sit on. On those tables there are some english/spanish dictionaries for the pupils to look up.

As a lenguage lab it has a lot of hardware such a pair of computers near the table we use, a tv, a dvd player and a video (stored in a wardrobe), an old a projector screen, a whiteboard and two projectors (one on the table we use and another one fixed on the celling).

domingo, 21 de marzo de 2010

Retailers Practice: Targetting Mail

This is the presentation of the first part of the Retailers Practice.
You can download the presentation from the following links.

Aerolink Modular Simulator 2010 (PPT Version)

Aerolink Modular Simulator 2010 (ODP Version)

sábado, 20 de marzo de 2010

Curriculum Vitae

My Curriculum Vitae, using an Europass Template.
You can download it from the following links:

Curriculum Vitae (PDF Version)

Curriculum Vitae (ODT Version)

viernes, 19 de marzo de 2010

Cover Letter

This is a practical Cover Letter for a job announced at this page.
You can download it from the following links:

Cover Letter (PDF Version)

Cover Letter (ODT Version)

miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2010

First of All

Good Evening. This is the first post of the blog 'Fresh Pots of English Coffee'; a blog made by Álvaro Rodrigo Corral for the subject 'Inglés Técnico II'.